(i) This policy reflects the commitment of Ripik Technology Private Limited (“Company”) to provide a work environment which is safe and secure and also offers equal opportunities to all individuals associated with it.
(ii) This policy is also in compliance with the applicable law i.e., the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, read with the applicable rules (“Disabilities Act”), which requires providing equal opportunities to persons with disabilities, and prohibits discrimination in employment matters on the basis of the disability of a person.
(iii) Note that the Company has a zero-tolerance policy towards any kind of discrimination and, particularly, any act of bias or discrimination arising on account of a person’s disability.
(i) This policy is applicable to all individuals who interact with the business of the Company including but not limited to job applicants, interns, visitors (subject to reasonable notice of prior visit), consultants, vendors, employees of the Company (with existing as well as new disabilities).
(i) A person with disability is a person with long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his/her full and effective participation in society equally with others.
(i) We offer access to ramps and elevators for convenient movement in the office premises.
(ii) Our washrooms are designed in a manner that provides easy access to persons with disability, such as wider doors and grab bars.
(iii) We provide designated parking spots closer to our building entrance, enabling easy commute.
(iv) We also provide for assistive technologies and devices such as hearing aids, listening devices; screen readers, braille displays; ergonomic furniture such as adjustable desks and chairs; sign language interpreters; accessible alarm systems; IT support for meeting the needs of persons with disability.
(i) Our appointment and recruitment practices are aligned for all individuals, and we do not discriminate against any person with a disability. We do provide reasonable accommodation both at the time of hiring and post-recruitment for all individuals.
(ii) All our job posts are open to persons with a disability, subject to specific role requirements.
(iii) We also provide post-recruitment and pre-promotion training to persons with disabilities in order for them to settle in the job role, and ensure an easy transition in the role.
(iv) We intend to accommodate all reasonable requests of our employees with disability such as where they need transfer to a different location or department or remote work, allotment of residential accommodation if any, and any accommodation in any other facilities.
(v) Persons with disabilities are also entitled to special leave, which will be in addition to the general leave entitlement of the employees. This special leave is subject to production of relevant documents as required by the Company.
(i) Any complaints in relation to any employment matters including in recruitment practices and provisions of facilities and amenities may be made to pinak@ripik.ai.
(ii) The Company will aim to redress all such complaints promptly.
(i) This policy is available on the website of the Company at https://www.ripik.ai/, and, at conspicuous places in the premises of the Company.
(ii) Any reasonable accommodation provided to an individual under this policy will be free of cost.
(iii) While this policy addresses and captures the aspects set out under the Disabilities Act, in the event of any discrepancy regarding the rights and obligations stemming from the Disabilities Act, the text of the Disabilities Act will prevail over this policy. Accordingly, this policy has to be read harmoniously with other relevant policies of the Company with respect to prohibition of discrimination and applicable law.
(iv) If any grievance of an individual remains unresolved even after approaching the liaison officer, such an individual should feel free to approach the human resources department at shilpi@ripik.ai.
(v) This policy has been adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by passing a resolution on Monday, the 16th day of December 2024.